Disecting a Fetal Pig – Lab report Essay Sample

The dissection of the foetal hog in the research lab is of import because hogs and worlds have the same degree of metamorphosis and have similar variety meats and systems. Besides. foetal hogs are a by-product of the porc nutrient industry so they aren’t raised for dissection intents. and they are comparatively cheap.

Procedure – as in the text book

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The intent of such activity is to dissect the foetal hog and observe assorted variety meats.


Safety goggles


Dissecting pins

Lab apron



Dissecting baseball mitts

Hand lens


Preserved Hog

Dissecting Tray

Forcepss and investigation


Using a swayer. step the length of the hog from the neb to the tail. Use graph to gauge the age of the foetal hog.

30cm = 12 yearss old

Locate the liver near the front tooth of the abdominal pit. Record the figure of lobes in the liver

4 Lobes

Describe the location of saddle sore vesica Underneath right lobe. grey/white colour

Describe the visual aspect of the pancreas Creamy – white. tubular

Describe the visual aspect of the interior liner of the tummy Wavy long rides with round terminations

List the variety meats found in the thoracic pit Larynx. windpipe. bosom. left lung. gorge. left kidney. aorta. vesica. umbilical cord. urogenital gap. phallus. scrotal pouch. rectum. ureter. right kidney. inferior vein cava. umbilical vena. hepatic venas. right lung. thyroid secretory organ

Blood is pumped from the left atrium to the left ventricle and out the aorta Ventricle – thicker

Atrium – thiner

Put your index finger on the trochea and force down. Describe what happens.
Liquid gushes out


What is the map of the umbilical cord?

The flexible cordlike construction linking a foetus at the venters with the placenta and incorporating two umbilical arterias and one vena that conveyance nutriment to the foetus and take its wastes.

B ) State the map of the undermentioned variety meats: tummy. liver. little bowel. gall vesica. pancreas. big bowel. and spleen

Stomach – receives the bolus of macerated nutrient from the gorge. Mixing and partial digestion of the nutrient produces a pulpy fluid mix -chyme that passes into the bowel for farther digestion and soaking up.

Liver – The liver regulates most chemical degrees in the blood and excretes a merchandise called gall. which helps to interrupt down fats. fixing them for farther digestion and soaking up. All of the blood go forthing the tummy and bowels base on ballss through the liver. The liver processes this blood and interrupt down the foods and drugs in the blood into signifiers that are easier to utilize for the remainder of the organic structure. More than 500 critical maps have been identified with the liver.

Small bowel – digestion of nutrient and soaking up of the merchandises of digestion. Enzymes located in the glycocalyx of the microvillus of the entrecotes complete the dislocation of most sugars and proteins. Absorption of the monosaccharose and aminic acids every bit good as H2O and electrolytes from the hyme.

Gall vesica – is to hive away gall and dressed ore. Bile is a digestive liquid continually secreted by the liver. The bile emulsifies fats and neutralizes acids in partially digested nutrient. A muscular valve in the common gall canal opens. and the gall flows from the gall bladder into the cystic canal. along the common gall canal. and into the duodenum.

Pancreas – The pancreas is a little organ located near the lower portion of the tummy and the beginning of the little bowel. This organ has two chief maps. It functions as an duct gland organ by bring forthing digestive enzymes. and as an hormone organ by bring forthing endocrines. with insulin being the most of import endocrine produced by the pancreas

Large bowel – resorption of electrolytes and H2O and riddance of undigested nutrient and waste. Absorption of electrolytes and H2O. Barrier – separates the lms of the digestive piece of land. which is uninterrupted with the environment. from the organic structure of the being. immunologic barrier. Secretion big sums of mucous secretion.

Spleen – The lien is formed by reticulate and lymphatic tissue and is the largest lymph organ. The spleen lies in the left hypochondriac part of the abdominal pit between the fundus of the tummy and the stop. It is purple in coloring material and varies in size in different persons. but it is normally about 120mm

C ) What is the map of the mesentery?

The primary mesenteries are dorsal and ventral. although the dorsal mesentery is frequently interrupted and moved to one side or the other with the variety meats and the ventral mesentery is reduced to the membranes of the liver and vesica. Mesenteries running from organ to organ are normally called ligaments.

D ) Why does the left ventricle contain more musculus than the right ventricle?

The left ventricle is much more muscular than the right as it has to pump blood around the full organic structure. which involves exercising a considerable force to get the better of the vascular force per unit area. As the right ventricle demands to pump blood merely to the lungs. it requires less musculus.

Tocopherol ) Why do the lungs feel spongy?

When we breathe in. air is drawn through the olfactory organ or oral cavity. into the pharynx. and down the trachea ( windpipe ) into the thorax. The windpipe subdivisions into two tubings called bronchial tube. one traveling to each lung. Inside the lungs. the bronchial tube subdivision out many times. like a tree. to organize smaller bronchial tube and so 1000s of bantam tubings. These bantam tubings are called bronchioles and stop up at bantam. bubble-like air pouch. These air pouchs make the lungs spongy.

F ) What map do the cartilaginous rings of the windpipe service?

Cartilaginous rings conveys inhaled air from the voice box to the bronchial tube

G ) Make labelled diagrams of the followers:
