Euclidean Geometry Essay Research Paper Euclidean GeometryGeometry

Euclidian Geometry Essay, Research Paper

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Euclidian Geometry

Geometry was exhaustively organized in approximately 300 BC, when the Hellenic

mathematician Euclid gathered what was known at the clip, added original work of

his ain, and arranged 465 propositions into 13 books, called & # 8216 ; Elements & # 8217 ; . The

books covered non merely plane and solid geometry but besides much of what is now

known as algebra, trigonometry, and advanced arithmetic.

Through the ages, the propositions have been rearranged, and many of the

cogent evidences are different, but the basic thought presented in the & # 8216 ; Elements & # 8217 ; has non

changed. In the work facts are non merely cataloged but are developed in a

stylish manner.

Even in 300 BC, geometry was recognized to be non merely for

mathematicians. Anyone can profit from the basic acquisition of geometry, which

are how to follow lines of logical thinking, how to state exactly what is intended, and

particularly how to turn out basic constructs by following these lines of logical thinking.

Taking a class in geometry is good for all pupils, who will happen that

larning to ground and turn out convincingly is necessary for every profession. It

is true that non everyone must turn out things, but everyone is exposed to pro


Politicians, advertizers, and many other people try to offer convincing

statements. Anyone who can non state a good cogent evidence from a bad one may easy be

persuaded in the incorrect way. Geometry provides a simplified existence, where

points and lines obey credible regulations and where decisions are easy verified.

By first analyzing how to ground in this simplified existence, people can

finally, through pattern and experience, larn how to ground in a

complicated universe.

Geometry in ancient times was recognized as portion of everyone & # 8217 ; s instruction.

Early Grecian philosophers asked that no 1 semen to their schools who had non

learned the & # 8216 ; Elements & # 8217 ; of Euclid. There were, and still are, many who resisted

this sort of instruction. It is said that Ptolemy I asked Euclid for an easier manner

to larn the stuff. Euclid told him there was no & # 8220 ; royal route & # 8221 ; to geometry

alternatively he told Ptolemy you will non larn what geometry is all approximately. What you

will larn is the basic forms of some of the figures dealt with in geometry and

a few facts about them. It takes a geometry class, with text edition and instructor,

to demo the complete and orderly agreement of the facts and how each is proved.

