Kayla &Kupono – Addiction Essay Sample

This dance is a really emotional dance. It truly connects with people in many different ways. You can construe this dance in so many ways. It is intended to be based on dependence and this message comes across so good through this dance. The motions truly show that the miss is fighting with the male child ( ‘the drug. ’ ) Suspension and Sustainment are used really good in this dance. A batch of the suspension in this dance leads to the sustenance of many motions. The suspension in the motions adds the consequence of the dependence and truly shows that the miss is fighting against the boy ‘addiction. ’ All of the qualities of motion and organic structure actions are used in this dance piece all to the best advantage to portray the narrative. There is a few vacillation motions ; such as when he is throwing her around. it’s like he is singing her. and besides a batch of her leg motions are in singing gestures. There are besides a batch of percussive motions in this piece which truly gets the combat point across ; that the miss is fighting/struggling against the ‘drug’ .

The chief one that’s truly impressive and truly corsets in your head is the 1 that gets repeated at the terminal where he is catching her in different topographic points and she is throwing his custodies off her seeking to interrupt off. This portion of the dance could besides be classified as vibratory. It’s likely the most effectual portion of the whole dance as it truly connects with the audience. gets the point across and corsets in your head. Collapsing is used to great consequence in this dance which besides helps acquire the point across that she is fighting against the ‘drug’ . The fall ining in this dance shows how much a battle it is against dependence. Emotion builds up before she collapses in different parts. At the terminal of the dance she reaches up to seek and interrupt free but ‘the drug’ prevents her from making so and she starts to fall in before ‘the drug’ starts to command her once more.

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Body actions speak words in this dance piece. There are strong gestures like at the start ‘the drug’ acerate leafs into her. This gesture is rather powerful ; besides when she is making up near the terminal of the dance. her making that gesture is besides rather powerful. Other strong gestures appear throughout the dance every bit good as those mentioned. The motive power is truly intense in this dance piece as he is dragging her around everyplace. They jump. merely to prostration. merely to so utilize motive power all around the phase. This is shown throughout the dance to truly demo the audience how much of a battle the miss is holding. There is a batch of lift in this dance piece. It’s chiefly when the male child is throwing the miss about. There are a batch of lifts and turning before falling onto land. There is besides lifts into hush. These motions leave a permanent feeling and truly demo natural emotion.

The misss costume and the music selected for this dance piece besides help acquire the expressive purpose across. Her costume is ruddy which could be interpreted every bit blood every bit good as it’s ripped. like she has struggled to take it off and it has been torn to togss ; all because of the dependence. The music is a great piece of music to take for this peculiar dance. chiefly because it does work so good if you interpret the wordss to intend drugs it truly helps portray that.

So throughout this dance piece the qualities of motions and organic structure actions truly show the subject good ( that the miss is fighting with the male child ‘the dependence. ’ )
