Technology Addiction Essay Sample

Technology permeates every facet of our lives ; we are surrounded by it. Telephones. telecastings. cell phones. pagers. and the cyberspace. have all contributed to doing our lives a small spot easier. faster and really gratifying. or do they? Could these progresss in engineering difficult people? Is it possible to go addicted to engineering? Technology has become a great benefit to us but many people have taken it excessively far. Body:

I. Making your life easier.

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1. It is true that a computing machine or a cellular telephone can do your life a spot easier when you have a twosome of inquiries and don’t know the reply. 2. Google for illustration has any reply for any type of inquiries you have at any clip of the twenty-four hours. 3. You are able to text friends and household when you don’t hold the clip to pick up a phone and name them or direct electronic mail ( e-mail ) to acquire in touch with whom you please at any clip every bit good.

II. The Addiction.
1. From the minute we get up it’s like something automatic. look into you electronic mails. Facebook. chirrup. instagram and what non. 2. Siting in forepart of a computing machine for hours and hours either chew the fating with friends or scrolling down your Facebook’s newsfeed. 3. When you can’t command the impulse to turn on your cellular telephone and merely instantly travel and look into any of your web sites so that is called ADDICTION.

III. The Effects of Technology dependence.
1. The individual who carried me for 9 months with such a loving bosom. 2. My female parent understands me in the manner no other individual would. and she ever finds proper universes to soothe me. 3. Despite my legion errors and noncompliance. she continued to love me no affair what.

I am the adult female I am today thanks to the love of such an inspirational female parent. I am really blest to state that she is my instructor. my friend and my unconditioned love. I love my ma to decease and there is nil and no 1 that is of all time traveling to alter that. She one time told me that life is a concatenation reaction. whatever you do now will acquire back to you. Therefore I ever end up hearing and obeying my mother’s words because as what the old expression says “Mother knows best” .
