Youth and Technology Essay Sample

Knowledge has increased. The age of information has offered a batch of appliances like cellular phones. computing machines. cameras audio/video participants. etc. . and a batch of people are being fond of them and coveting to whatever is new in the market. We admit that modern engineering makes us more productive and fastpaced. It makes our coomunication faster ; research works. a batch easier. Technology acts a staging to larning. Business oppurtunities and minutess become wider in range doing the universe to go smaller and approachable.

By Using Technology

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We need to be cognizant that while we enjoy the comfort that modern engineering brings. there are so many negative things or should I say. there is an a evil side of it. It becomes portion of our civilization. the pop civilization that enslaves most people. At some point it becomes an compulsion so dependence to so many people spend their school allowance at an cyberspace coffeehouse non for research work. bt for computing machine gambling and societal networking ( Facebook. Twitter. etc. ) . There is besides what we call “text addicts” who use most of their clip texting. We can detect that engineering has a annihilating impact in the human head an our well-being-computers and cellular phones make peopleidle and unfruitful ; telecasting plans are full of force. sex. myth. propaganda and lies ; and the cyberspace is flooded with adult sites. All of these have a negative influence in our development as a Christian because they take our clip and impede us from praying. analyzing the Bible. and go toing church services. We don’t need statistics to demo who among the age grou [ is so much affected by modern engineering. It is really obviuos. it is the young person of today! Why? Because: 1. ) They are more knowing in utilizing
