Non Conformists Essay Sample

Throughout history. non-conformists have influenced society in positive ways. Non-conformity is capable of being good to any society by looking at things from a different position. The Catholic Church’s speculated instructions of the existence were invalidated by Non conformance. the same manner The Vigils and Brother Leon lost their power of the pupils in The Chocolate War ; by person taking a base for what they believe is right. and other people being unfastened to new thoughts.

In the late fifteenth century. traveling against the Catholic Church was unusual and had its effects. “About 600 old ages ago. the church was considered jurisprudence. No 1 could withstand its instruction and whoever did so was publically beheaded. ( Sydneyh ) It besides led to some of the greatest scientific finds of all time. An illustration of nonconformity against the church taking to scientific advancement was was Copernicus. His involvement in uranology compelled him to conflict with the church’s thought that the Earth was the centre of the existence. The haughtiness of the church would merely of been empowered if no 1 was of all time to voice a different sentiment.

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During this same clip period the church was besides learning its multitudes that the Earth was level. but fortunately Ferdinand Magellan was brave plenty to oppose the church’s judgement. “The church says that the Earth is level. but I have seen its shadow on the Moon. and I have more assurance in a shadow than in the church. ” ( Buchanan ) His logic defied the church’s instructions. but his different thoughts were found to be true and were accepted by the scientific community. If he had bit his lingua and conformed with the church like so many others did. we may hold ne’er sailed across the Atlantic in fright of falling off the Earth.

These scientific discoveries could be compared to jerry Renaults actions in Robert Cormier’s novel The Chocolate War. Jerry ostracizes himself by declining to sell cocoas for the “optional” school fundraiser. “’Let me acquire this heterosexual. Renault… I called your name. your reply could hold been
either yes or no. Yes means that like every other pupil in this school you agree to sell a certain sum of chocolates…no agencies you do non wish to sell the cocoas. that you refuse to take part. Now. what is your reply? Yes or no? ’ ‘No. ”
