Origin of Bamboo Fiber Essay Sample

Bamboo Fiber is a regenerated cellulose fibre produced from natural bamboo mush. First. bamboo mush is refined from bamboo through a procedure of hydrolysisalkalization and multi-phase bleaching. The bamboo mush is so processed into bamboo fibre. Repeated trials have proved it has strong lastingness. stableness and doggedness and the tenuity and whiteness of bamboo fibre is similar to classic cellulose xanthate. Bamboo fibre is easy to whirl – it can be spun strictly or blended with other stuffs such as cotton. silk. tencel. average fibre and so on.

Advantages of Bamboo
Natural Anti Bacterial It is a common fact that bamboo can boom of course without the demand for pesticides. It is rarely eaten by plagues or infected by pathogen. Why? Scientists found that bamboo owns a alone anti-bacteria and bacteriostasis bio-agent named “bamboo kun” . This substance combines with bamboo cellulose molecule tightly during the production of bamboo fibre. Bamboo fibre has natural maps of anti-bacteria. bacteriostasis and deodorization. It is validated by Japan Textile Inspection Association that even after 50 times of rinsing. bamboo fibre cloth still possesses first-class antibacteria maps. The trial consequence shows over 70 % decease rate after bacteriums are being incubated on bamboo fiber cloth.

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Bamboo fiber’s natural antibacteria map differs greatly from that of chemical antimicrobic – as it has no allergic reactions. Green & A ; Biodegradable Bamboo fibre is praised as “the natural. green. and ecofriendly new-type textile stuff of 21st century” As a regenerated cellulose fibre. bamboo fibre is 100 % made from bamboo through hi-tech procedure. The natural stuff bamboo is selected from non-polluted parts in Yunnan and Sicuan Provinces in China. The distilling and bring forthing procedures are natural and eco friendly and do non utilize chemical additives. cross-section of the bamboo fibre is filled with assorted micro-gaps and micro-holes. it has much better wet soaking up and airing. With this alone microstructure. bamboo fibre dress can absorb and vaporize human perspiration really rapidly. It is cool ; light and soft to the tegument. Harmonizing to important testing figures. fabric merchandises made from bamboo fibres are 1-2 grades lower than normal cloths in hot summer.

A natural cellulose fibre. bamboo can be 100 % biodegraded in dirt by micro-organism and sunlight. The decomposition procedure does non do any pollution to the environment. “Bamboo fibre comes from nature. and wholly returns to nature in the end” Breathable What is noteworthy of bamboo fibre is its unusual breath ability and imperturbability. Because the
