Three Day Food Intake Essay Sample

Harmonizing to “English- Word Information” ( 2003 ) . “Part of the secret of success in life is to eat what you like and allow the nutrient battle it out inside” ( Quotes: Eating. Food ) . During the past three yearss I have been maintaining a diary of my repasts in order to find my consumption compared to the day-to-day recommended consumption ( DRI ) . The consequences I am about to portion with you were really surprising to me. From the nutrients and drinks recorded in my three twenty-four hours intake most contained some per centum of protein except the sodium carbonate. The highest per centum of protein came from my jambon and cheese omelet every forenoon. Another good beginning of protein was the low fat milk in my cereal which I normally ate for tiffin or a bite. Some other nutrients with protein were the assorted grain staff of life. bean and cheese burrito. nachos from Taco Bell. maize Canis familiariss. and Subway sandwiches. Foods that contained saccharides were fundamentally everything. The lone point on my list that contained really low per centums of saccharides was jambon and cheese omelets.

The nutrient points that contained the most sum of saccharides was assorted grain staff of life. sodium carbonate. Frosted Flakes cereal. low fat milk. bean and cheese burrito. nachos from Taco Bell. Gallic french friess. and Subway sandwiches. Lipids were besides found in most nutrient points on my list every bit good. The lone points on my list that did non incorporate lipoids are the sodium carbonate and Frosted Flakes cereal. The points that contained the most sums of lipoids are the jambon and cheese omelets. nachos from Taco Bell. and the Subway sandwiches. When I compared my consumption to my RDI the protein and saccharide degrees were within normal scope. Most of the lipoids were besides within normal scope except for the concentrated fats. My Omega 6 fatty acids are at 36. 6 % compared to my RDI and my Omega 3 fatty acids are at a 45. 8 % . In order to take down the per centum of concentrated fat I could hold changed my pick of sandwich at Subway from a meatball marinara to a “veggie delight” sandwich ( Subway 2012 ) . The protein in each of the nutrient points I ate were complete proteins therefore uniting to go complimentary. Examples of complete protein nutrients I ate would be cheese. eggs. and milk.

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Harmonizing to “Fit Day” ( 2000 ) . “A complete protein contains an equal sum of all of the indispensable amino acids that should be incorporated into a diet” ( Incomplete vs. Complete proteins ) . Complete proteins which by and large can be found in animate being and fish merchandises do non necessitate to be combined with any other nutrients in order to supply equal protein and go complimentary. Throughout the three yearss I recorded my repasts. the protein I managed to obtain was 84g which was within scope of the recommended 59-205g. The saccharides I consumed was 300g which was besides within scope of the recommended 263-380g. Last but non least the sum of lipoids I consumed was 76g which is within scope of the recommended 52-91g. I was highly surprised to detect that my macronutrient consumption is sufficient. Macronutrient consumption is of import because they are the foods that provide us with Calories or energy. “Macro” besides means big so macronutrients are foods that are needed in big sums for growing. metamorphosis. and other of import organic structure maps ( University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. 2008 ) .

A lack of macronutrients can impact your wellness. A individual who does non devour plenty protein can impact multiple organ systems. It can besides weaken the immune system. injury tegument and hair. cause musculus waste. and weariness. A individual who does non devour adequate saccharides can hold an consequence on athletic public presentation and endurance. In add-on. diets low in fibre can do irregularity. A individual who does non devour adequate lipoids or fats can hold an consequence on endocrine production in the organic structure which can take to a endocrine instability and impact the generative system. A lack of indispensable fatty acids can hold an consequence on the tegument and hair. A deficiency of fatty acids besides increases your opportunities of depression and decreases cognitive map ( University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. 2008 ) . Harmonizing to my DRI tabular array. the consumption of fibre for the three yearss of recorded repasts was 66. 8 % . I think that my per centum of fibres intake although non 100 % is merely right because I am a individual who has ever experienced issues with irregularity and I feel that excessively much fibres intake in combination with my less than equal H2O consumption would merely lend to that job.

The job I do hold with my fiber consumption is the deficiency of fruits I consumed over the three twenty-four hours period. The Subway sandwiches I ate had veggies in them but nil I ate had any sum of fruit. So I decidedly fell abruptly of my recommended consumption of the fibre incorporating group fruit. The nutrient points that contributed the most sum of fibre are assorted grain staff of life. bean and cheese burrito. nachos. and the Subway sandwiches. The nutrient points that contributed the least sum of fibre are ham and cheese omelet. milk. and sodium carbonate. Sing that I consume more soda so I should that is a tendency that would explicate an consequence on my fiber consumption. Speaking of tendencies. I noticed that I drink soda with every repast alternatively of H2O or juice. I am certain that has a negative consequence on my fiber consumption. In order to increase the fibre in my diet I could seek eating fruit for bites alternatively of Frosted Flakes with low fat milk.

I could besides replace the sodium carbonate with a V8 drink to increase my fiber consumption. The lone repast that contained fiber rich points were the bean and cheese burrito and nachos from Taco Bell. I could likely seek adding a salad with beans or possibly chili every bit good. The ground I recommended replacing bites with fruit alternatively of replacing sodium carbonate with fruit juice is because my fibre content would non increase but my calorie consumption would. Like with anything done in over copiousness a macronutrient overdose can take to desiccation. fluctuating energy degrees. weight addition. and increases LDL ( Low denseness lipoprotein ) cholesterin degrees. While entering my repasts over the past three yearss I have realized that the aim to a good balanced diet is to hold sufficient sums of macronutrients which will assist anyone accomplish optimal wellness.


* English – Word Information. ( 2003 ) . Retrieved from hypertext transfer protocol: //www. wordinfo. info * Fit Day. ( 2000 ) . Retrieved from hypertext transfer protocol: //www. fitday. com * Subway. ( 2012 ) . Subway. Retrieved from hypertext transfer protocol: //www. metro. com * University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. ( 2008 ) . McKinley Health Center. Retrieved from hypertext transfer protocol: //www. McKinley. Illinois. edu
