Othello, a Story of Rejection, Prejudice, Envy, and Revenge Essay Sample

The drama “Othello” moves around the narrative of a Moor who has merely run off with the beautiful Desdemona and leaves Venice to command the Venetian ground forcess against the Turks on the island of Cyprus. Othello is accompanied by his new married woman and his lieutenant. Cassio. When they arrive. they find that the conditions has destroyed the Turkish fleet. Iago. the evil adversary. repeatedly tries to destruct Othello because he is disquieted Othello gave the place he wanted to accomplish to another soldier. Iago eventually succeeds when he is able to go forth Desdemona’s hankie on Cassio’s room converting Othello that his married woman has been unfaithful and has cheated on him. Othello kills Desdemona out of green-eyed monster. Before. Iago’s married woman finally reveals that Desdemona’s matter was merely an innovation of her hubby. Iago instantly kills his married woman besides. and Othello so commits self-destruction in heartache. At the terminal. Iago is captured to be tortured and executed. What can we see in the center of this narrative? “Othello” is a clear representation of some common human features that are ever present in our lives: rejection. bias. enviousness. and retaliation.

What is rejection? You feel rejected when you experience the sense of being unwanted. You want people to love you. but you believe they do non. You want to be considered portion of the group but you feel excluded. You want to happen a good hubby or a beautiful married woman. but your head Tells you. you do non merit it. Sometimes rejection is so stabbing and aching that the head refuses to concentrate on something else. You may see solitariness. self-pity. wretchedness. depression. hopelessness. and even the presence of decease. All of these facets are present in Shakespeare’s chef-d’oeuvre “Othello” . They are perceived all over since the beginning of the drama. Othello. the supporter. shows and reflects the attitude society has towards those who are different in colour. race. and linguistic communication. At the clip the drama was written. white people were the bulk and all other races were thought to be inferior.

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Iago. Othello’s adversary. sets his clear rejection thoughts against him when he states: “I hate the Moor” ( 379 ) . Without any uncertainty. the chief ground behind Iago’s hatred towards Othello is the colour of his tegument. It is difficult for Iago to accept the celebrity and repute Othello had and the manner he had reached success in malice of the fact he was a black individual. The consequence of bias. rejection. and racism O Othello is apparent and it is the chief cause for his insecurity about himself and his matrimony. Othello becomes vulnerable to use and he is easy deceived and tricked by Iago. Othello experiences the true symptoms of rejection. He does non accept himself. He still does non believe he is a celebrated and good known among the people. His low self-esteem betrays him. He was an easy quarry. A quarry that can be easy devoured by a mean and evil marauder. Iago.

“Othello” is all about the green-eyed monster of one adult male. Iago. Jealousy is a really unsafe force. If you of all time think you deserve more other people have. something better you can acquire yourself. you have been trapped by it. It is Iago’s green-eyed monster what leads him to arouse the same feeling in other people. to utilize them to his ain advantage. “I follow him to function my bend upon him” ( 9:45 ) . Since the beginning. Iago has a barbarous thought ; he wanted to destruct Othello. He lost his expected place in the ground forces. Another soldier ( Cassio ) gets it. so Iago incriminations Othello for that. Iago gets so deep into it and his prevarications that he even starts to believe Othello has even slept with his ain married woman Emilia. He was so haunted with his retaliation that he loses his head. He does non care what happens to anyone else every bit long as he is happy.

Jealousy and avenge seeking to ache Othello lead Iago to hold Roderigo killed. Cassio badly injured. his ain married woman Emilia and Desdemona dead. and Othello perpetrating suicide. Finally. Iago ends up being tortured and killed for his great confederacy. After reading this narrative. can we inquire ourselves. is it truly worth it? Iago’s motive is his love of immorality. He has no scruples. He is non able to experience love. Iago treats others as saps and has no mark of penitence. Ironically. Shakespeare portrays him as “honest Iago. ” “Shakespeare has built the character of Iago from an thought already bing in the theatrical civilization of his clip. The Satan in spiritual morality dramas. ” [ 1 ] Evil. hatred. and retaliation can merely take you to one way. suicide and decease. Te saddest portion of this narrative is you do non decease entirely. You can destruct other people’s lives in the procedure even those of guiltless people like Desdemona or Emilia who are secondary characters in the narrative.

During Shakespearean clip. adult females were seldom seen as equal. They were frequently seen as inferior people who needed to be taken attention by work forces. “Othello” shows how adult females are owned by work forces. They can besides be “stolen” . Work force can play with them. Womans are seen as awards work forces can acquire. Desdemona. Othello’s married woman. can be defined as a human being with no free will. She can non do her free picks. She can non love. She can merely be owned. Even her male parent sees her that manner. as we say in Spanish: “Fue daddy al major postor. ” When Iago thinks Othello has slept with his ain married woman. he thinks Othello has trespassed his ain belongings.

In the narrative. there is no love within the relationship between work forces and adult females. There is lone ownership and laterality by the work forces and entry by the adult females. Both adult females in this narrative stop up being murdered by their hubbies. Work force are the 1s in power ; adult females are to be used and discarded. Why does non Othello trust Desdemona when she cries out she is guiltless? It is merely because work forces are to be trusted above adult females. Womans are unable to state the truth. Othello and the other work forces do non care about whether or non they love the adult females. It is a affair of belongings and invasion. Othelo is the masculine. He is powerful. angry. physical. strong. and the leader. Desdemona plays the feminine. She is weak. submissive. and she chooses to decease in order to maintain everybody off from force. She does non even seek to support herself. Desdemona is a sufferer.

Is this struggle merely portrayed in Shakespeare’s plants? Let us merely remember what we see every twenty-four hours on the intelligence. There are ever many instances of covetous hubbies believing their married womans have cheated on them and if non slaying them. they have at least viciously crush them. Prejudice. green-eyed monster. and evil have ever been present among us since the beginning of clip. Jealousy arises when a individual feels that a relationship is threatened by some external issues. It is non a rare emotion. All of us experience it. I personally think green-eyed monsters can be a signal that it is the clip to do a alteration ; a alteration in your life that is traveling to do you travel on the following phase of your emotional growing. You should utilize it as a ground to work on yourself and to understand the frights which motivate it. If Othello had applied this theory. he would hold had good self-pride. he would hold heard his married woman. and he would non hold killed her. This is the same narrative of many adult females who die around the universe as victims of green-eyed monster and immorality.
