Study Notes on the Simple Gift Essay Sample

Discuss Billy and Caitlin and demo how they contribute to our apprehension of belonging. Use specific quotation marks from the drama.

The novel. ‘The Simple Gift’ . has many subjects. one of them being belonging. This essay will research the thought of belonging within the characters Billy and Caitlin and how they relate to the subject.

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At the beginning of the narrative we see that Billy didn’t truly experience a sense of belonging at his place or his school at all. He had to travel to the Westfield brook merely to acquire a sense of belonging ; he needed to get away these bad feelings. Billy – “I love this topographic point. I love the flow of cold clear H2O over the stones and the lappets on the bank and the lizards sunbaking. caput up. hearing. and the birds. 100s of them. silver-eyes……… . ” . Billy evidently felt a sense of belonging at the brook. we see this by him traveling into depth depicting about its astonishing creative activity.

Caitlin’s parents were wholly opposite to Billy’s parents. but she felt like she didn’t belong. merely like Billy. WRITE MORE ON CAITLIN’S LIFE

Billy and Caitlin both have wholly different features. Billy being from a household with a bibulous pa who he hates. so Caitlin being a spoiled miss from a rich household who she besides hates. She was acquiring closer and closer to Billy as the narrative goes on ; we see that she feels a high sense of belonging when she is around him. Caitlin – “I fell asleep with Billy beside me. his arm on my tummy. his breath so near. and when we woke. we woke together and he kissed me and we made love once more. ”
