Technical report on global warming Essay Sample

I have merely completed my proficient study An appraisal of the likely effects of planetary heating on the clime of South Africa. ( The extended sum-up of the study is now available. It consists of 92 pages. 14 tabular arraies. 16 figures and 50 references. ) The decision is that there are no scientifically acceptable evidences for the alarmist claims related to the postulated effects of planetary heating. The exclusive intent of my survey was to find whether or non planetary heating was likely to hold an inauspicious consequence of the public assistance of the peoples of South Africa in peculiar. and elsewhere in the universe where similar conditions prevail. I neither requested nor received any fiscal or material support for my surveies. My study is non copyright as it is my wish that it be distrib uted every bit widely as possible. The drawn-out sum-up is available in the signifier of a 2MB pdf file. I propose printing the full study in book signifier early following twelvemonth when there will be more lucidity on the international state of affairs. The followers is a brief sum-up of my decisions.

Testing land
Southern Africa provides the ideal testing land for planetary clime alteration surveies. It has a broad scope of climatic conditions from high rainfall along the eastern escarpment through to abandon conditions in the West. It has winter rainfall in the South through to summer rainfall over most of the state. There is besides a broad scope of climate-related issues from matter-of-fact human-centered concerns of poorness. malnutrition and disease through to idealistic concerns of conserving the natural environment with its rich diverseness of home grounds and species. The scientific subjects are divided along similar lines. At one terminal there is a little but politically influential group of scientists in the Fieldss of climatology and the environmental scientific disciplines. They apply abstract procedure theory based on proxy informations to conjectural jobs. At the other terminal is the really big but politically inactive group of civil applied scientists.

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They have coevalss of experience in edifice constructions to defy the forces of nature. and edifice and operating dikes to supply H2O for domestic. industrial and agricultural usage. Their scientific attack is the application of observation theory based on the wealth of real- universe informations to the development of undertakings that will better the quality of life. Ideally. the solution of this globally of import job should affect a multidisciplinary attack by scientists in both Fieldss of survey. This is non go oning in South Africa or elsewhere. The state of affairs has deteriorated from audience to the widening rift of confrontation as clime alteration scientists disparage all those who hold unconformist positions. There are two extra but basically of import grounds why South Africa provides the ideal testing land for clime alteration theory. The first is that South Africa has a wealth of hydrological and meteoric informations with many records transcending 80 old ages in length. The 2nd and every bit of import ground is that South Africa lies within the zone of maximal My proficient study. doc 23 November 2005

2 poleward transportation of solar energy. There are univocal linkages between regular fluctuations in solar activity and concurrent fluctuations in the meteoric and hydrological procedures in South Africa.

Chief concerns
The chief concerns relevant to the Afr ican continent are: Human-centered concerns § § § § § Increases in the climatic extremes. ( inundations and drouths ) The spread of malaria to parts that are soon free of the disease Threats to H2O supplies Threats to agricultural production Loss of home ground and species

Environmental concerns All these concerns relate to alterations in rainfall in the first case. Although international attending has concentrated on additions in planetary temperature. the awaited temperature alterations are far excessively little to hold a direct. mensurable consequence on these concerns.

Detection of inauspicious alterations
Undesirable nursery gas emanations increased throughout the last century. If the effects are every bit serious as claimed. they should be readily noticeable in the hydrological and meteoric records. I assembled a really big hydrometeorological database consisting of 11. 804 old ages of informations from 183 sites and eight different procedures. These are my chief decisions after a three-year diligent survey. The survey demonstrated with a really high grade of confidence that the rainfall over South Africa increased increasingly by more than 9 % during the period of rainfall records from 1922 to 2000.

There was no grounds of an addition in drouths. It was further demonstrated that these additions in rainfall were the consequence of additions in good. widespread rainfall events that saturate dirts. increase river flow. fill storage dikes and benefit agribusiness. Measured unfastened H2O surface vaporization losingss besides increased during this period. This addition in vaporization is good for agribusiness but non for H2O supplies. There was no grounds of additions in damaging inundations during the period of record. The inundations of the mid-1800s remain the highest on record for big parts of South Africa. Claims that planetary heating will increase variableness in the hydrological procedure and thereby ensue in an addition in the frequence of inundations and drouths. demonstrates a deficiency of cognition of the hydrological procedures.

Evaluation of alarmist scenarios
Rainfall will increase. non lessening. Alarmist scenarios rest about entirely on planetary clime theoretical account outputs that predict a significant lessening in rainfall over South Africa in future. I demonstrated that the anticipations are earnestly in mistake as an analysis of the information showed a sustained addition in rainfall in the yesteryear. This addition is consistent with planetary temperature additions. The southern African

3 continent undertakings into three oceans. Additions in planetary temperature must ensue in an addition in vaporization from the oceans. This must return to earth as an addition in rainfall. This undermines most of the claims of future inauspicious effects originating from planetary heating. Malaria will non increase The prevalence of malaria on the African contine National Trust is unrelated to climate and straight related to censoring DDT in the seventiess. Malaria is under control in South Africa every bit good as in other states where DDT has since been reintroduced. This forbiddance was the consequence of force per unit areas by international conservationists.

There is a existent fright that every bit undue steps to command planetary heating will be enforced on African states with similar damaging effects on their peoples and economic systems. Habitat and species will non be endangered There is no grounds of large-scale devastation of home ground or species that could be attributed to planetary heating. A figure of documents and studies have been published that predict dramatic alterations in future. These are all based on the baseless premise that future clime will be drier than at present. They are besides based on defective scientific discipline. There is no credible theoretical or experimental grounds to back up the position that planetary heating will ensue in the widespread loss of home ground or species. Other claims Similarly. there is no evidentiary footing for claims that planetary heating will ensue in desertification. eutrophication of dikes and rivers. dirt eroding. or menaces to agriculture and H2O supplies.

Linkage with solar activity
Climate alteration scientists continue to deny that there is a linkage between fluctuations in solar activity and concurrent fluctuations in the climatic responses. The concurrent linkages between dearths in India and sunspot Numberss in the 1800s were widely reported at the clip. The anomalous grouping of sequences of old ages with above and below mean conditions is good reported in the international hydrological literature. Climate alteration scientists. who rely on procedure theory. go on to keep that fluctuations in solar activity are excessively little to account for the ascertained. coincident climatic fluctuations. As I show in my surveies. the regular fluctuations in solar activity consequence in statistically important ( 95 % ) corresponding alterations in rainfall. river flow and inundations. This variableness overwhelms any fluctuations in the climatic procedures that may be the effect of human activities.

The natural variableness of the hydrological and meteoric procedures is really of import and needs to be addressed in version surveies. However. the alarmist claims associating to the effects of planetary heating have no substance within the context of all the other national issues that require pressing attending. They can be safely ignored. Climate alteration scientists are now in a really hard place because the elaborate analysis of a really big and comprehensive climatological database does non back up their alarmist hypotheses.
