The Meaning of Oral and Written Communication Essay Sample

The intent of this essay is to depict the significance of unwritten and written communicating and to explicate ways in which you can utilize both unwritten and written communicating to pull off a concern organisation efficaciously. In this respect. the essay focuses on the theories of unwritten and written communicating and ways in which you can utilize them to pull off concern organisations as described by writers like Shirley tayler ( 1999 ) . Nkonde ( 2008 ) . kreitner ( 2009 ) and Woollcott and Unwin ( 1983 ) . The essay shows that although different writers have defined unwritten and written communicating otherwise. they seem to hold a common apprehension. In discoursing the significance of unwritten and written communicating. the essay draws illustrations from productive organisations. The first portion of the essay describes unwritten communicating and ways in which you can utilize it to pull off a concern organisation efficaciously. The 2nd portion describes written communicating and explains the ways in which you can utilize it to pull off a concern organisation efficaciously. First. communicating can be in unwritten or spoken signifier. Communication can be defined as the exchange of information thoughts ( lecture’s notes 2012 ) . hence unwritten communicating is communicating by words of the oral cavity.

Shirley Taylor ( 1999 ) . adds on that unwritten communicating is the life-blood of our personal and concern lives. Shirley Taylor ( 1999 ) went farther and said that unwritten communicating can take a assortment of signifiers. It can be over the telephone or face to face. It can be a private treatment. a chitchat in the lift. an informal assemblage of staff. a conversation over tiffin. instructions to subsidiaries. covering with clients. interviews. addresss. or presentations ( lecturer’s notes 2012 ) . Some of the advantages of unwritten communicating could be that feedback is self-generated. significance that responses from the transmitter to receiver or frailty versa are speedy and effectual.

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Apart from speedy feedback. it is flexible to utilize unwritten communicating because it is easy to retreat the information in instance of a error. Another would be that it is best used to reassign private and confidential information ( lecturer’s notes 2012 ) . On the other manus. unwritten communicating has restrictions. for illustration. it is non easy to keep. requires attentiveness and good response on the portion of the receiving system or audience. It consumes a batch of clip and unproductive at some clip. peculiarly in meetings. In add-on to restrictions. unwritten communicating tends to be informal. as people do non truly pay attending to what they hear. However. there are a figure of ways you can utilize unwritten communicating to pull off concern organisations efficaciously.

One of the ways you can utilize unwritten communicating to pull off your concern efficaciously is through co-ordination in working topographic points which done through decision-making and information sharing through meetings. Co-ordination is defined as integrating of attempts of group members to supply unit of action in the chase of common ends. Nkonde ( 2008. p. 9 ) says that co- ordination is needed to co-ordinate things at the work topographic point. Nkonde ( 2008 ) adds on that. without co-ordination in work topographic points. there would be confusion in some undertakings or responsibilities. The 2nd manner unwritten communicating could be used is by supplying leading and motive to people that may necessitate it within the concern organisation ( Nkonde 2008 ) . Kreitner ( 2009. p. 369 ) defines motive as a psychological procedure that gives behaviour and way. and leading as a societal influence procedure of inspiring and steering others in a common attempt. Kreitner ( 2009 ) . went farther stating that by appealing to motive. procedure directors can try to acquire persons to prosecute organisational objects volitionally and persistently.

Another manner you can utilize unwritten communicating for effectual direction of the concern organisation is through dialogues. Negotiations can either be used for converting the client to buy at a given monetary value degree or negociating for resources with proprietors of resources/suppliers ( lecturer’s notes. 2012 ) . In add-on to dialogues. unwritten communicating is besides used to pull off houses by constructing up public image and repute through advertisement and selling ( Unwin & A ; Woollcott 1983. p. 237 ) . Unwin & A ; Woollcott ( 1983 ) . provinces that an organisation can pass on to the populace by supplying it with employment and goods. Unwin & A ; Woollcott ( 1983. p. 237 ) . goes farther to state an organisation does non merely necessitate to project an image which fulfills the indispensable maps of its duties towards persons every bit good as society in general. Second. communicating can be in written signifier. Written communicating involves seting messages in printed signifier on paper. electronically or any other signifier ( lecturer’s notes. 2012 ) . Written communicating is largely used in concern organisations in the signifier of memos. concern letters. presentation. notices. and record maintaining.

Shirley Taylor ( 1999 ) adds on that written communicating in the signifier of concern letters are still really frequently the chief agencies of set uping concern dealingss with other organisations. Shirley Taylor ( 1999 ) . went farther and said when composing a concern missive or any other concern communicating. your purpose should be to accomplish a high criterion in the four key countries. viz. . printed letter paper. presentation. construction. linguistic communication and tone. Some of the advantages of written communicating could be that it keeps lasting records of information. Apart from permanency in record maintaining. it gives a opportunity for the receiving system to read at a convenient clip. Another would be that it is the most appropriate method for hard or complicated messages that can be received and tends to be reliable. Written communicating is more precise and expressed because messages can be drafted and edited before they are sent. On the other manus. written communicating has restrictions. as it does non salvage upon the costs.

Apart from the costs. it requires great accomplishments and competencies in linguistic communication. wrting accomplishments. and vocabulary usage. However. there are a figure of ways you can utilize written communicating to pull off concern organisations efficaciously. One of the ways in which you can utilize written communicating to pull off your concern organisation efficaciously is through advertisement and selling. Shirley Taylor ( 1999. p. 206 ) says that many companies advertise in newspapers. magazines or trade diaries so as to make out to a broad. and sometimes specific market. Shirley Taylor ( 1999. p. 206 ) went farther and said that written communicating can be used to publicize vacant stations. to advance merchandises and services and to denote particular events and maps. The 2nd manner written communicating can be used is through showing corporate schemes and political orientation. for illustration. ends. vision. mission and many more ( lecturer’s notes. 2012 ) . Another of import manner in which you can utilize written communicating for effectual direction of the concern is with notices.

Shirley Taylor ( 1999 ) states that most organisations have notice boards posted around the offices which are used to convey particular points to the attending of all staff. In add-on to notices. written communicating is besides used for record maintaining. for illustration. organisational manuals. or policies. processs. studies and proposals ( lecturer’s notes 2012 ) . Shirley Taylor ( 1999 ) adds on that an accurate written record of proposals made on meetings is indispensable non merely for all those who attended the meeting but besides for those who were unable to go to. In decision. unwritten and written communicating can be used to pull off concern organisations efficaciously in different ways as discussed above. Key among them is coordination. leading. and motive. dialogues. advertisement and selling. corporate schemes. notices and record maintaining. The combination of these ways enables for an effectual direction of the organisation.
