A Separate Peace: Friendly Rivalry Essay Sample

A Separate Peace. a fiction novel written by John Knowles. tells the narrative of a immature adult male coming-of-age at an all-boys embarkation school during World War II. The chief character. Gene. battles with who he is while his best friend. Phineas. is comfy with himself. Gene creates a “friendly rivalry” in his head between himself and Phineas. which does non really exist. As the war becomes world. so does Gene’s insecurities and ressntment toward Phineas. Gene’s actions finally lead to the decease of his best friend. Throughout Gene’s life at the Devon school. he learns four important lessons. Gene first learns to ne’er feign to be something you are non. when the existent you is merely every bit good. Gene feels he is non every bit good as Finny. In the beginning of the novel. a state of affairs is introduced where Gene claims to be 5’9 bu Finny proves that he is 5’8. The first of Phineas’ commandments appears when he says. “Never say you are 5’9 when you are truly 5’8” ( Knowles35 ) . Gene learns to ne’er state you are somtheng when you aren’t.

Following. Gene learns to non move on a feeling. when all you have are premises as grounds. Gene realizes the competition between himself and Finny doesn’t exist. Finny tells Gene that he is his best buddy. doing himself wholly vulnerable to Gene. In a rush of unsighted rage. Gene pushes Phineas out of an highly high tree. whch ruins his opportunities of enlisying in the war and going a proffesional jock. Phineas refuses to believe Gene hurt him intentionally. stating. “Never accuse a friend of a offense if you merely have a feeling he did it” ( Knowles66 ) . Gene besides learns that the ambiance may alter but life goes on even after something traumatic happens that changes the remainder of your life. When Gene returns to school he feels the sereniy of the summer session is gone. In chapel. he feels the discourse is focused on go oning as if nil has happened. Gene remembers Finny. non as in denial or crippled but. how he used to be. “Not of the tree and hurting. but of one of favourite fast ones. Phineas in exaltation” ( Knowles75 ) . Through this Gene learns that life continues with or without you.

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