Banana Peel and Gumamela Essay Sample


Harmonizing to Wikipedia. durion is the fruit of several tree species belonging to the genus Durio. There are 30 accepted Duriospecies. at least nine of which produce comestible fruit. Durio zibethinus is the lone species available in the international market: other species are sold in their local parts. Regarded by many people in Southeast Asia as the “king of fruits” . the durion is typical for its big size. strong olfactory property. and formidable thorn-covered chaff. The fruit can turn every bit big as 30 centimetres ( 12 in ) long and 15 centimetres ( 6 in ) in diameter. and it typically weighs one to three kgs ( 2 to 7 pound ) . Its form ranges from oblong to round. the colour of its chaff viridity to brown. and its flesh picket yellow to red. depending on the species. Background of the survey

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And now the rainy season has begun. dandy fever will be a major job in our community. This chart of dandy fever instances was from 2011 to 2013.
No. of Dengue instances from 2011 to 2013

That’s why I and my group couples had decided to do a research approximately durian as a mosquito repellant.

Significance of the survey

Harmonizing to a web log station at HubPages. if durian odor is non a job. you can besides utilize durian chaffs as a natural mosquito repellant. In some countries in the state people put some chaffs in a basket and topographic point it in the corner. Change them on a regular basis to acquire effectual consequence specially when you think the chaffs start to bring forth unwanted olfactory property. you can alter them with new 1s. Skin of durian can be utilized as a mosquito rebarbative drug. to cover with a roseola onto the tegument ( strikebreaker ) every bit good as intestine jobs ( irregularity ) . This uncommon fruit tegument was burned along with the ashes utilized in potions for the launch period. Besides durian tegument can be used like the ashes of the good chaparral. dry mode dried up every bit good as burnt to pieces. ( HealthBenefitstimes. com )

Statement of the job
To minimise the instances of the dandy fever every twelvemonth here in the Philippines. Scope and restriction of the survey
Possibly after 2-3 months. we can complete our research. bing around a lower limit of Php. 500. 00. Leader: Maverick Jahn Torda Members: Andrea Nicole Daang. Kyle Lim. Steven Villamora
