Gabriel Garcia Marquez: a Very Old Man with Enormous Wings Essay Sample

“He’s an angel. ” she told them. “He must hold been coming for the kid. but the hapless chap is so old that the rain knocked him down. ”” This is a quotation mark comes from the short narrative. A Very Old Man With Enormous Wingss by Gabriel Garcia Marquez. The narrative itself is really challenging ; nevertheless it is science fiction. It is about an old. unusual adult male who is seemingly ill and beat up with big wings on his dorsum. He falls into this town where this twosome takes him in and leaves him in a poulet henhouse. Equally shortly as he gets better he flies off and the narrative ends. Although it may look like there is no concluding behind this narrative it does hold a subject. Besides. with it being science fiction. the credibleness the writer demonstrates in the narrative is good put. The subject of the narrative is non straight pointed out but what I got from it was that. no affair who a individual is or what they might look like. if they need assist. people should ever take to assist. The adult male with tremendous wings came into that couples life for a ground. to assist at that place ill new born and to convey their felicity alive once more. They took him in even though he was treated as a circus animal they did non kill him or go forth him abandoned.

Equally shortly as he got better he flew off and the people in the town were one time once more happy. I believe he was merely what they needed. an angel. a symbol. a miracle. something to convey joy to them once more. Furthermore. the author’s usage of words and pragmatism to the fiction narrative enhanced his credibleness. “A Very Old Man with Enormous Wingss demonstrates Marquez’s ability to state a fairy narrative or folk narrative in a realistic mode while integrating the thaumaturgy of the angel. ” ( Tillburg ) . As the narrative goes on. readers are still inquiring if the old adult male is an angel or some kind of animal. Marquez has a gift of go forthing the audience guesswork by ne’er truly stating what sort of animal this old adult male is. Besides. the reader is still left with the idea of where he came from and where did he travel when he flew off. What makes a good author is catching the audience’s attending and go forthing them with unreciprocated inquiries so that they could calculate it out themselves on what the subject truly was. He explains the adult male with wings in great item and everything else in the narrative seems to hold sense of inside informations.

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The short narrative by Gabriel Garcia Marquez A Very Old Man With Enormous Wingss has all of the literary elements such as puting. secret plan. point of position. However the 1s that stuck out most to me is theme and his credibleness. “None of this power would be. of class. if Garcia Marquez were non a considerable creative person. Literary creative persons make us see things. and otherwise from the manner we have of all time seen them before ; they make us see things their way” ( Epstein ) . This quotation mark from an article explains Marquez as a literary creative person because he writes in a different manner that happens to be realistic and fiction at the same clip.

Plants Cited

Tillburg. Elizabeth V. “Gabriel Garcia Marquez and Magical Realism. ” Your Home Page Goes Here. All Collected Short Stories Gabriel G. Marquez. 1 Mar. 2012. Web. 02 Mar. 2012. & lt ; hypertext transfer protocol: //mockingbird. creighton. edu/ncw/marquez. htm & gt ; .

Epstein. Joseph. “How Good Is Gabriel Garcia Marquez? ” Commentary 75. 5 ( May 1983 ) : 59-65. Rpt. in Contemporary Literary Criticism. Ed. Jean C. Stine and Bridget Broderick. Vol. 27. Detroit: Gale Research. 1984. Literature Resource Center. Web. 2 Mar. 2012.
