Is Beauty in the Eye of the Beholder? Essay Sample

The perceptual experience of beauty is subjective. Beauty is for each person to see. non what society sees as a whole. It’s natural for us to see our values and sentiments when looking at plants of art. If you see a work of art that involvements you or you take pleasance in it. it will be deemed as beautiful. What you perceive as beautiful may non be beautiful to person else and that is why beauty is in the oculus of the perceiver.

Beauty is genuinely in the “eye” and the “I” of the perceiver. Different people possess different criterions of beauty and non everyone agrees on whom or what is beautiful. It’s really hard to see things without holding your ain sentiment and sing your personal positions. Beauty. in simpler footings. is all a affair of personal gustatory sensation. Something that you may happen ugly or displeasing is beautiful to person else. and frailty versa.

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Examples of how beauty is in the oculus of the perceiver are eternal. Nowhere is the stating beauty is in the oculus of the perceiver more relevant than when it is said in relation to different civilizations. What one civilization may happen beauty in ; another civilization may be repulsed or offended by. Peoples of all civilizations have imposts that are considered beautiful. But. if you’re non a portion of that peculiar civilization. you might happen the expression of the people lead oning or ugly. For an illustration. a usage in Africa is called ‘scarring’ where they cut themselves and do cicatrixs. It’s considered a all right art and beauty. but to the modernised American. this usage would most likely non be looked at every bit beautiful. It’s hard for us to see their side in how edged themselves is a all right art. but this shows that beauty is a affair of sentiment. Another illustration of the cultural differences in mentalities on beauty is another African folk is to infix a home base into the lower lip. Sing this. today’s society positions this as disturbing or painful in visual aspect. non stand foring beauty at all. Some perceptual experiences of beauty are based on spiritual beliefs within the civilization.

Past experiences and involvements play a function in reviewing art. You can non merely set aside your likes. disfavors. and your past experiences. It’s
ever considered whether you really like or happen pleasance while looking at work of art. If there is an graphics that you find beautiful. opportunities are that you have a connexion or relation to. it’s something you find interesting. or it’s a work of art that is of something you enjoy. An illustration of this is if person grew up their whole life listening to classical music. the opportunities of them wishing dub-step or blame is really improbable. because their lone yesteryear experience has been classical music and that’s what they like and enjoy. Another illustration of taking your likes and disfavors into consideration is. possibly you have a unusual fright. spiders for illustration. if there was a immense picture of a spider. you couldn’t merely wipe out your fright. You’d measure back and take into consideration of your ain ideas. which would be that you didn’t like the art piece.

Beauty is in the oculus of the perceiver. It’s your sentiment that affairs and we frequently don’t consider others sentiments when looking at art. I believe it is improbable and non possible to see art with a clean head. non sing your likes. disfavors. past experiences. and other culture’s imposts. Beauty depends on the individual analyzing the art piece. It is wholly subjective and different things are beautiful to different types of people.
