Coleridge and Wordsworth Essay Sample

Nature is a cherished gift. It is a beacon of hope. a shimmering star of all that is good and guiltless in the universe. Some have the ability to truly appreciate this beacon of hope. while others take for granted the beauty and artlessness. The artlessness and repose of nature frequently make people feel at place and relaxed. Both Coleridge and Wordsworth found this same repose in nature. Watching the beautiful flowers blow in the air current gave Wordsworth a sense of peaceableness. one that could non be compared to any manmade object. He describes a sense of ultimate joyousness. where 1 could non but be happy while watching the olympian flowers dance. Wordsworth has opened his head to the beauty of nature. leting it to be saved in his head. Coleridge finds this ultimate joyousness watching nature every bit good. He writes of a adult male watching nature make its day-to-day jobs. bees bombinating about. Birds rolling their wings. While watching nature for a split second the talker sees a glance of ultimate joyousness. The talker finds nature to be so beautiful that he really inquiries what beauty is.

Wordsworth appreciates the beauty of nature so much that when he is experiencing lonely he immediately is uplifted when he remembers the olympian Narcissus pseudonarcissuss. In an blink of an eye he is filled with overpowering joy as he is remembers the beauty of the flowers dancing in the sunshine. Wordsworth straight relates the relationship between adult male and nature. doing his joyous memories etched in his head forever. Coleridge does non happen this same grasp in nature. he is able to see the beauty that nature possesses but he does non genuinely appreciate it. Coleridge is blinded by his deficiency of success and self-pride. He believes that he can’t genuinely see beauty because of his ain deficiency of success. He has lost all hope in nature and chooses to disregard the beauty all around him.

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Shielded by his ain sufferings he will everlastingly be thankless of the beautiful gifts that nature nowadayss. Coleridge portrays a feeling of hopelessness while Wordsworth portrays a feeling of joyousness. The depicted feeling in both verse forms relate to the point of views of people today. Much like Wordsworth. some people understand and are thankful for all the beautiful things we have in life. These people appreciate nature and all that it contributes to society. On the other manus much like Coleridge. some people are excessively conceited to see the beauty of nature. These people take for granted everything that nature portrays. In life you will be faced with this determination. to either appreciate or ignore nature. You will both take the spectacless and genuinely see the beauty that nature possesses. Where so you will have the feeling of utmost joyousness. Or you will go on to see threw the spectacless and ne’er genuinely appreciate beauty.
