John Gacy Paper with Freud Comparisons Essay Sample

John Wayne Gacy is an American consecutive slaying. paedophile and raper. He murdered and sexually assaulted at least 33 teenage male childs and immature work forces between 1972 – 1978. He buried most of his victims around his house and discarded the remains of four others in a nearby river. Gacy grew up in Chicago and had a troubled childhood. Turning up he was fleshy and non-athletic due to a bosom status. He was close to his two sisters and female parent. but all of the household members were abused by their alcoholic male parent. John Stanley Gacy. Gacy ever strived to run into the blessing of his male parent. which seemed to ne’er go on. Gacy was molested by a household friend when he was 6 old ages old and ne’er had told anyone because he feared his male parent. thought he would fault him. During the 4th class. Gacy began to endure blackouts. He was on occasion hospitalized as a consequence of these ictuss. Gacy subsequently estimated that he spent about a twelvemonth in the infirmary for these episodes between the ages of 14 and 18. and attributed the diminution in his classs to his clip out of school. His male parent suspected the episodes were an attempt to derive sympathy ; on one juncture he accused his boy of forging even as the male child ballad in a infirmary bed.

At the age of 18. Gacy became involved in political relations. working as an helper precinct captain for a Democratic Party campaigner in his vicinity. Gacy himself subsequently speculated the determination may hold been an effort to seek the credence from others that he ne’er received from his male parent. In his function as a mortuary attender. Gacy slept in a fingerstall behind the embalming room. In this function. he observed undertakers embalming dead organic structures and subsequently confessed to the fact that on one flushing while entirely. he had clambered into the casket of a asleep teenage male. encompassing and fondling the organic structure before sing a sense of daze. By 1965. Gacy had risen to the place of vice-president of the Springfield Jaycees.

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The same twelvemonth. he was named as the 3rd most outstanding Jaycee within the State of Illinois. When Gacy moved to Iowa to pull off his father’s Kentucky poulet eating houses he married his first married woman and had 2 kids. He finally won the blessing of his male parent for his achievements. However. Gacy had a dual life prosecuting in charitable and political activities at the same clip he was perpetrating a series of sadistic anguish slayings. He enticed many immature work forces to his place for homosexual Acts of the Apostless. binding or manacling his spouses so strangulating or choking them. Gacy was a successful contractor. was active in the community. and frequently dressed up as a buffoon for parties. Finally police caught Gacy in the act. though by the clip they got to him he had already sexually assaulted and murdered at least 33 teenage male childs and immature work forces. Gacy was sentenced to decease. Gacy died at 2:58 a. m. May 10. 1994 by deadly injection for his offenses.

Many of Freud’s theory can be put into John Wayne Gacy’s instance. Such as his theory of the Libido. in the venereal phase. At a immature age Gacy had become rather feminine due to being overweight. unhealthy. and disbursement clip with his Mother and sisters. instead than his male parent. The maltreatment he received he ne’er dealt with his libido was tied to a certain phase of development. There is merely so much libido for each individual. and to develop successfully a individual can non utilize excessively much of their libido in one phase. Gacy showed the reaction formation. which means he took lingering desire for pleasance from some beginning ( Young work forces ) and acted in the opposite manner ( perpetrating ghastly slayings ) .

Another theory related to Gacy is the theory of defense mechanism mechanisms. Gacy shows multiple defense mechanism mechanisms. Denial is the 1 he most frequently used. He began denying the feelings he had for work forces. He denied the slayings and colzas he committed to patrol. public. imperativeness and even to himself. It seems he acted out on his victims due to the choler ( repression ) to his male parent. he took out his feelings of choler on the victims. He besides showed dissociation. He created an alter self-importance named “Pogo” the buffoon. which non merely was an alter self-importance. but he genuinely believed he was the good pogo.
