Laboratory Techniques and Measurements Essay Sample

A. Water furuncles at 100°C at sea degree. If the H2O in this experiment did non boil at 100°C. what could be the ground?

The ground why H2O did non boil at 100°C could be because we are non at sea degree ; the force per unit area could be lower.

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B. While heating two different samples of H2O at sea degree. one boils at 102°C and one furuncles at 99. 2°C. Calculate the per centum mistake for each sample from the theoretical 100. 0°C.

1st sample 1. 96 % mistake

2nd sample 0. 81 % mistake

C. An unknown. rectangular substance steps 3. 6 cm high. 4. 21 centimeter long. and 1. 17 cm broad. If the mass is 21. 3 g. what is this substance’s denseness ( in gms per millilitre ) ?

1. 20 g/ml

D. A sample of gold ( Au ) has a mass of 26. 15 g. Given that the theoretical denseness is 19. 30 g/mL. what is the volume of the gold sample?

1. 355 ml^3

E. What would go on if you dropped the object into the beaker while utilizing the Archimedes’ Principle method alternatively of submersing the object?

If the object was dropped into the beaker. so the measurings would non be right.

F. How did the magnet’s denseness measuring utilizing the Archimedes’ Principle comparison to the denseness measuring utilizing the deliberate volume? Which method might be more accurate? Why?

The deliberate volume measuring is more accurate because Archimedes’ Principle might hold a higher per centum of mistake.

G. You are given a little piece of gold colored stuff and want to find if it is really gilded. Using the Archimedes’ Principle you find that the volume is 0. 40 cm3 and the mass is 6. 0 g. What decisions can you make from your simple denseness analysis?

Density: 15 g/cm^3

It is non gilded or pure gold because the gold’s denseness is 19. 3 g/cm^3.

H. How would you fix 10 milliliter of a 0. 25M HCl solution if 1M HCl was available? How much 1M HCl is needed? How much distilled H2O is used?

0. 25M is 0. 25 moles/L

0. 25*10/1= 2. 5 milliliter needed

I. From the Excel chart of Molarity vs. Density. what was the relationship between the molar concentration of the sugar solution and the denseness of the sugar solution?

As molar concentration decreases. denseness besides decreases. If one increases. the other will increase every bit good.
