Letter of Complaint Essay Sample

I would wish to pull your immediate attending to the above affair. I am non satisfied with the resident of a house in my neighbor. Mr. Daniel Chu. as he invariably patterns open firing in his compound. His abode is situated at 39. Lane 3. Taman Da Hua.

2. I foremost spoke personally to him about the job on 5 April 2013 but without any positive response or alterations in his behaviour. Although I have approached him for three times but it proves futile. It will be of great aid if you can lodge a formal ailment against him. Furthermore. the unfastened combustion might be able to be stopped as fast as possible if a clip frame is restricted for him.

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3. He has merely merely done this unfastened combustion as if he has forgotten the demand to be a good neighbour. As a good neighbor. we should be considerate. Knowing that we should handle others the manner we expect to be treated is the most basic quality that makes people respect to us. As such. I will be glad if he avoids making something that is likely to upset the peace of others.

4. Due to his irresponsible action. it contributes to some sick effects and dangers. We can get down off by detecting the alteration of clime. The light strength and visibleness will be reduced because of the formation of haze and smog. The fume which contains some all right particulate affair will do some disease such as respiratory piece of land. bronchitis and asthma. Worst still. it irritates our eyes. making an unfavourable status. As a consequence. the unfastened firing pose wellness jeopardies to the occupants.

I unfeignedly hope that you will look into the affair at one time and instant steps to be taken as this is such an improper act. Thank you in progress for your cooperation and consideration. I look frontward for a prompt answer.
