Maslow’s Hierarchy and Associate Essay Sample

In conformity to Maslow’s hierarchy. Amanda Shank’s former employers failed to run into many of her motivational demands. Presently. Amanda is the adjunct shop leader at Flight 001 and she is extremely motivated and dedicated to her topographic point of employment ( Motivating Employees. pg. 1-2 ) . Maslow’s hierarchy of motivational demands break down into five groups of importance ( Griffin. 2011. pg. 512 ) . The demands that apply to Amanda are belongingness. regard. and self-actualization ; furthermore. none of which she felt where satisfied with her old occupations.

The motivational demands for Amanda at her anterior work locations were merely non ideal for any employee. She recalls being told “You’re merely a figure. You can be replaced at any clip. ” ( Motivating Employees. pg. 2 ) . This would be damaging to her self-esteem. In this peculiar state of affairs an undue remark such as this would besides be harmful to her self-actualization demands. In the following statement she clearly has a great sense of belongingness after stating. “I’ve decidedly worked topographic points where I felt like the proprietors merely didn’t attention. and so it’s kind of if they don’t care why should I? But I feel like they truly value their shop. and it’s contagious. ” ( Motivating Employees. pg. 1 ) . Amanda recants frequently during the interview about the leading by illustration and her motive demands are now met as the result.

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In retrospect. to analyse Amanda’s former experiences to Maslow’s hierarchy of demands one must hold an overall apprehension of motivational tactics. Some of the tactics the former employers could hold used during Amanda’s state of affairs could had been taking by illustration. giving her a sense of dignity. esteeming her and valuing her sentiments more frequently. Besides. in respects to possible Amanda is a extremely determined single and her former employers should hold taken the clip to understand her strengths and failings. Employees are unwavering to experience needed ; hence. strong and determined leading must be purposeful to implement a successful work environment. Equity Theory of Scenario

In a conjectural state of affairs the feeling of an underpaid Flight 001 associate could in fact have a negative impact on the overall work environment. This would be the manager’s duty to convey easiness to this issue finely. The Equity Theory of motive suggests that people will seek societal equity in the wagess they receive for his or her public presentation ( Griffin. 2011. pg. 518 ) . In this scenario wage and acknowledgment are most applicable due to an underline feeling of being underpaid. If the associate felt underpaid their work ethic. inputs and quality will besides endure because they feel overworked. The solution to this issue would be avowal of acknowledgment and to settle the wage difference that is best for flight 001 and associate. Although the state of affairs is delicate the director. nevertheless. must still implement that the demands are still first and the equity is 2nd ( Griffin. 2011. pg. 518 ) . Two-Factor Theory Analysis

Following the Two Factor Theory. there were many hygiene factors that are identifiable within the Flight 001 interview. Based on the remarks of the associates the hygiene factors that were disguised in the overall work environment are the supervisors. working conditions. interpersonal relationships. wage and security. The direction was proclaimed to be first-class through-out the interview. Emily Griffin said “They’re non tolerant of hapless work ethic or if you’re truly non dedicated. but if you’re there and you’re truly seeking. it’s truly all right. ” ( Motivating Employees. pg. 2 ) . She feels really comfy to be herself ; over more. she will now speed up because of the proper and superior factors. During the sing the work status looked greatly ideally every bit good. The associates were viewed with positive interaction multiple times with the proprietor Brad John. Lastly. Claire Rainwater alleged wage and security was equal by saying. “I think in an ideal universe. in the ideal occupation puting. you would hold both the dream wage and a ton of encouragement every individual twenty-four hours. ” ( Motivating Employees. pg. 2 ) . The perceptual experience of the associates was extremely motivated and enthusiastic.

In decision to the balance of success for Flight 001 and the Two Factor Theory. the satisfied motivational factors that can be defined are acknowledgment. the work it’s self. accomplishment and growing. Amanda Shank describes her experience good in respects to acknowledgment. “You have a say in what goes on. You’re given regards. you know or you told what you could be better at – you’re given feedback. ” ( Motivating Employees. pg. 2 ) . All the associates pride themselves to be a portion of Flight 001. Besides. Emily Griffin said that “One of the things I love about retail is that there’s room for everybody in retail. Everybody who works at corporate and everybody who works in our shops are such an incredible assortment of backgrounds and involvements. ” ( Motivating Employees. pg. 3 ) . It seems that Emily has discovered this passion and positive attitude through Flight 001.
