Self-Awareness as a Writer Essay Sample

Washtenaw Community College has a broad assortment of certifications and Associate Degrees to take from. English 111 is a demand for many of the certifications and grades. In order to obtain the grade or certification you sought after you need to run into every demand. My field of survey happens to be Math and Science/Pre-Engineering. and one of the demands in the first semester is English 111. Further on down the route I will be required to take a few more English/writing categories. This is what brings me to composing category at WCC.

English 111 is a transportation recognition for me. After obtaining my associates degree in Math and Science/Pre-Engineering. I will be reassigning to a four twelvemonth college to obtain my Bachelors Degree in Engineering. I hope to reassign to Northern Kentucky University where I originally attended college. The ground I hope to travel back to this school is because it is near where my kid lives and I would wish to be a large portion of his life. The ground I am in Michigan is because this is where my female parent and step-dad reside. These are the people assisting me through school to put me on the consecutive and narrow.

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Along with carry throughing a demand. I am besides taking composing categories to assist with future employment chances. I want to be a Civil Engineer. which is an Engineer that designs roads. and darn. etc. This field of survey will necessitate authorship studies and even composing up presentations. How I present myself with my presentations and study could assist maintain my occupation security. You would non truly be able to maintain a occupation if everyone is seeking to read something you put together and it has many mistakes and it is difficult to read. This category will assist me larn how to compose professionally and right for my future calling.

I have been brought to composing categories at WCC because of location. carry throughing a demand. and besides to assist better my occupation chances subsequently in my calling.
