The Catchter in the Rye Essay Sample

Salinger uses a assortment of techniques to develop the major subjects of The Catcher in the Rye. The statement that ‘Salinger uses a assortment of techniques to develop the major subjects of The Catcher in the Rye’ is true in a figure of of import ways. The major subjects of the fresh include the jobs of disaffection. sexual individuality and get the better ofing personal loss within the context of the overall construct of interior journey. Salinger employs techniques such as “unreliable narrator” . conversational “spoken” sentence structure and dramatic sarcasm combined with symbolism and the usage of repeating motives. The combined effects of these techniques confirm the overall thesis of the novel in its word picture of the psychological development and battle of the supporter Holden Caufield to get the better of the anomic conditions of his life. The ultimate victory of Holden’s humanity in the arresting epiphany that efficaciously concludes the narrative raises this novel to the degree of a modern classic.

The subject of disaffection is cardinal to an apprehension of the overall construct of interior journey in The Catcher in the Rye. For illustration. the technique of the “unreliable narrator” is used efficaciously by Salinger to make the character of a baffled and scared character who can non happen his topographic point in the universe. This can be shown when Holden narrates that “some things are difficult to remember” in the context of his battle with Stradlater in chapter 6. Holden attacked Stradlater because he was filled with unmanageable fury when he believed Stradlater had had sex with Jane Gallagher ( an old childhood friend of Holden ) . Holden can non gestate and joint his feelings in this state of affairs and hence can non reliably inform the respondent consequently. It is possible that he is driven by a combination of sexual defeat and his subconscious desire to protect the sexual artlessness of kids. The overall consequence of this technique is to show that he can non sufficiently grok his true topographic point in the universe and is hence alienated from it.

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Alienation is a hard obstruction for Holden to get the better of. This is made obvious with the usage of first individual narrative. Holden would frequently mention to people as being ‘phony’ . In the saloon. Holden narrates “I was surrounded by phonies” and intentionally excludes himself from the crowd. Holden besides excludes himself from the general society. An illustration is when Holden is speaking to Ernest Morrow’s female parent. Mrs Morrow ( Ernest is a fellow pupil of Holden’s at Pency ) . Holden tells Mrs Morrow that his name is “Rudolf Schmidt” but so admits that that “was the name of the janitor” of his residence hall at Pency Prep. the school he used to go to. He besides lies to Mrs Morrow stating the ground why he was out of school is because he had to hold surgery but admits he was sorry for lying. “I was right off regretful I’d said it. but it was excessively late” . The overall usage of first individual narrative allows us. as the reader. to cognize what Holden is verbally stating but what he is really believing.

Sexual development and individuality is a large issue for Holden. one where he is confused and does non understand. The satirical observations of which Holden uses to place people efficaciously shows how Holden wantonnesss state of affairss of which he could potentially hold sexual intercourse. An illustration is when Holden is presented with a cocotte named Sunny. In the quotation mark “The crossed her legs and started joggling this one pes up and down. She was really nervous. for a prostitute” . Sunny is portrayed as a immature kid through Holden’s perspective therefore Holden rejects the chance for sexual intercourse. Another illustration is when Holden attempts to ‘flirt’ with the misss in the saloon. “What they did. though. the three of them. when I did it. they started tittering like morons” . The misss merely laugh at Holden because he is excessively immature for them. It can be concluded from the quotation marks and the usage of satirical observations that Holden does non cognize his ain sexual standing and position. The job of get the better ofing personal loss of a loved one is what affects Holden the most. Salinger uses repeating motives combined with symbolism to show Holden’s psychological province of head.

The repeating motive of the ruddy hunting chapeau is a manner Holden copes with the decease of his brother Allie. The ruddy hunting hat represents Allie as Holden narrates that Allie had red hair. “I’ll state you what sort of ruddy hair he had” . Another account of the ruddy hunting chapeau is that Holden is holding problem turning up as he admits to moving immature for his age. This is supported by the quotation mark “I act rather immature for my age sometimes. It’s truly ironical. because I’m six pes two and a half and I have grey hair” . Another repeating motive is the ducks at Central Park. Holden inquiries several people about the ducks and none of them provide a satisfactory reply. Holden asks Horwitz. a cab driver. “Do you happen to cognize where they go in the wintertime. by any opportunity? ” One possible account of why Holden is so funny of the ducks is because they symbolise him and he confused with his ain hereafter. The usage of these repeating motives allows us to research and patch together Holden’s psychological province of head. Salinger decidedly incorporates a assortment of literary techniques to develop the major subjects of The Catcher in the Rye. The clever usage of undependable and first individual narrative. satirical observations. symbolism and repeating motives clearly show the word picture of the supporter Holden Caufield. These techniques have besides shown the major subjects of the novel and the overall construct of interior journey.
