What kind of leader was Haig? Essay Sample

Interpretation – A position from somebody’s point of position that may non be necessary be true. The conflict of the Somme occurred on the 1th of July 1916. with the English and Gallic ground forces contending against the German. English’s army’s leader. Haig. was considered to be a donkey. significance to be a bad general. The historian John Laffin claims that Haig was an atrocious leader ; he says that “Haig truly thought he was making what the people wanted him to do” which makes us believe that he was being a good general. These facts may non be true as it was take about a 100 old ages after the war so the facts can be muddled up and he wasn’t at that place to witness it. he’s merely stating from his point of position. but because Haig was deluded that he was making the right thing and that it would work made him believe he would win the war. but it didn’t happen. For this ground. Haig was a donkey. Source F. is a remark from the two lasting soldiers from the war. They explain that it wasn’t Haig’s mistake and that they have seen it with their ain eyes and thought it was working so they got truly excited. “We were excited. We thought nil could last that heavy weapon barrage. ”

This suggests that Haig was a good leader and the soldiers had trust and religion in him. if he was a donkey the soldiers wouldn’t have listened. Source A says the Haig live “almost 30 stat mis off behind the trenches” it goes on to state that he ne’er went any closer. This shows that Haig had ne’er experienced trench warfare. This deficiency of experience agencies that he was non able to do good determinations on how to contend the war. The grounds comes from a Veteran of the trenches. As a consequence he may be unhappy that many of his friends had died for small or no addition. It would hold been valuable to historian who wanted to happen out what WW1 veterans thought about Haig. Source Tocopherol shows us a image with a caption stating “A self-generated welcome from the crowd at Victoria: Sir Douglas Haig’s auto go forthing the station. Although the caption is stating Haig is welcomed. it might hold been false. the caption might hold been made up to do Haig expression like he is being honoured. There is no cogent evidence that they are stating it and the image might hold been zoomed to do it look there is a bigger crowd so there really is. If people were hissing him it would demo that he is a bad donkey. but we don’t know since there is no cogent evidence.

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Source C which is a missive tells us that Haig said that the sum of decease in a war could non be helped. Haig’s schemes were non good. He was so full of his programs. He even thought the barrage of shells would destruct the barbed wire. when it merely lifted it doing it more tangled. He besides didn’t cheque and ordered is soldiers to Walk on no man’s land. The grounds is typed up and shows no existent cogent evidence Haig wrote it. This shows how Haig was delusional which made the soldiers think they were traveling to win. Source D which is a remark from a British soldier.

He says that “I don’t know who told Haig that the heavy weapon barrage would nail the wire to pieces doing it possible to walk through. This shows that even his ain soldiers had uncertainty and therefore he was a donkey. Although he is talking against Haig there is no cogent evidence that he wasn’t lying. Because he was talking against Haig. it shows that Haig was a donkey. Based on these points which most of them say Haig was a donkey. I genuinely think that Haig was a donkey. who thought that all of his programs would work. he was excessively optimistic about these things. He ne’er had any experience in trench warfare as he lived 30 stat mis off from it and most of the things stating Haig was a good leader had no grounds to back up their claims.
